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Category: Beneath


There’s that word: Afterword. I know what you’re thinking, it’s what we all think upon seeing it: “But why? Why must we? We just finished the good bits and now we have to sit through some boring spiel about the author’s inspirations and dedications? This is bullshit!” And it is. Absolute and total bullshit, the […]

Chapter Forty – The Final Chapter

“Where are we going?” asked Levi. A wrenching crack sounded nearby and a steel beam fell to the floor between them and the albinoids, expanding the divide between man and beast. “It had better be close.” “Don’t worry,” said Nigel, casting a glance at Audrey, who nodded in return. “It’s close.” “Why is he here?” […]

Chapter Thirty Nine – Is It a Fight You Want?

His feet tripped out a frantic ballet as he hurried to keep up with the collapsing floor. Audrey Ross and Anthony Murchison sprawled forward in front of his panicked form. They too scrabbled at the weakening structure beneath them, not caring that they were running straight for a group of the waiting dead. Nigel kicked […]

Chapter Thirty Eight – The Void Beneath

The landing was sudden, but soft and just a little bit slimy. The impact forced a whoof of air out of his lungs, but he was otherwise unharmed. He rolled to his front, feeling the open chasm beneath his lower legs, and pushed himself up on his elbows to see what had saved him. The […]

Chapter Thirty Seven – Old Friends

Big, wet splats of albinoid guts hit him in the face as the limp figure cartwheeled through the air. He took a shocked breath in, nearly vomiting at the taste of the blood that seeped between his lips. Its bitter palate exactly what he would have imagined if asked to do so. Up until now, […]

Chapter Thirty Six – The Hunt

The taser probes sparked, lighting the darkness in small, confused flashes as they bounced off the inside of the lift doors and fell useless to the floor. As the final spark emitted from the failed shot, it lit the scene for one brief, horrifying snapshot that would burn into Nigel’s retinas. The image of the […]

Chapter Thirty Five – The Lord Taketh Away

The hooked tip of the scorpion’s sting protruded from the open wound in Bec’s chest. She coughed up a stream of blood from her mouth – open wide in surprise – as it lifted her into the air. The top of her head brushed the ceiling and the beast spun her around to face her […]

Chapter Thirty Four – The Lord Giveth…

The shadow on the floor let out a long, low moan. “Nooooooo.” It was a sound so full of despair it broke Nigel’s heart. “Nooo, leave me alone.” “Levi? Levi, buddy, it’s me.” Nigel scooted over to the dark shape that had folded in on itself to form a human croissant. “Levi.” He reached out […]

Chapter Thirty Three – Deathly Shadows

It cannoned into Bec, sending her sprawling. With alarming and unstoppable speed, it shifted its focus to Nigel, knocking him with a tooth-rattling blow to the jaw. As he fell, he twisted in time to see Milly go down with a groan behind him. The shadow leaped back over the top of Nigel and he […]

Chapter Thirty Two – Ascension

“You did what?!” Milly took a large step back, her lip curled in disgust. Nigel cringed at her disdain. “I planned to leave him for the cops. I really did, but then he started to taunt me; making jibes about Julia and Mads. I think he wanted me to do it, I figured out later. […]